Yardi Mobile Maintenance Manual

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. Yardi Voyager is a database system that is used for apartment communities to keep track of their leasing progress, resident functions, move-ins, move-outs, accounting and reports. In the apartment industry, there are several types of database programs used and Yardi is one of the more popular. It can be difficult to get the hang of at first because of the abundance of information to retain, but once the common steps are learned it can be a breeze to use at any apartment community and very efficient in keeping up with daily, weekly and yearly information. Video of the Day.

Navigation Step Install Yardi Voyager software onto Internet Explorer and add as a 'Favorite' on your toolbar. Step Create a user name and password (this may be done by your management company for you). Under 'Database,' use the tab 'Production.' Step Learn the key functions on the Yardi toolbar by clicking on each one to see what information it contains or can be input into it. These keys are known as the 'Dashboard.' Navigation can be done from the dashboard, or the side menu to the left of the screen. Step Study, in the Yardi user manual, the charge codes that will need to be used.

These codes are universal and help provide understanding in what specific charges describe. Step Create a hot sheet. The hot sheet focuses on the vacancies the community has and what specials are offered for leasing those apartments.

Guest Procedures Step Enter a new guest by clicking on the 'Quick Guest' or 'Add Guest' tab. Provide all the information known about the guest including preferences, occupants, the unit they select, rental options, completed application form and status of the application. Resident Functions Step Manage the resident page by moving in the resident with the dates listed, or if they are incorrect, this page will allow you to adjust the move-in dates. Also from the future resident page, canceling, unit change or price changes can be made. Step Add memos or notes about the resident by clicking on 'Memo.' Choose the correct type of memo and provide a description. They will display on your dashboard.

A resident memo report can also be ran to review all memos together. Step Add or edit roommates under the resident screen. Click on roommates, fill in the proper information and save. The application form will be available after you save to complete the form. Step Add or review resident records under the attachment button. Upload or add new attachments including pictures, documents or scanned files. Move-Out Procedures Step Enter a notice by going to the resident screen and clicking 'Notice.'

Provide the termination type, date the notice was given, move-out date and the reason for moving. Click 'Save.'

The screen will show that the notice has been posted. Step From the dashboard, click on 'Pending Make Ready' and input the date that the resident's home will be started for 'Make Ready.' At anytime, you can go back and adjust the notice, move-out date and make-ready date from the dashboard. Step Cancel a notice by clicking on the resident's screen or 'On Notice' from the dashboard. Under functions, click cancel notice. The status will appear and the notice will be canceled. Step Move out a resident under the dashboard function 'Move Out'.

Click the move out button and the status will be changed to 'Past' instead of 'Notice'. Click 'Make Ready' once the screen status becomes 'Past' and select the boxes for each make-ready description, the number of days will automatically default. Step Cancel a move-out only if the move-out function was used by mistake. From the resident screen, click 'Cancel Move Out' and the status will change back to 'Notice'.

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Daily, Weekly, and Month End Procedures Step Check the daily activity under the dashboard. Generate the report to find information on exceptions, month-to-month, available units, on notice, showings, move-ins, deposit accounting, expiring leases for the next 120 days and pending work requests. Go through the checklist to make sure all daily activities are entered correctly. Step Enter any new activity that was overlooked and update the make-ready dates. Step Enter charges and receipts by placing all charges in their correct batches. Step Approve all renewals, update any incorrect street rents, and assess the late fees (depending on what day the rent is late at your property). Reports Step Generate leasing activity reports by clicking on the 'Reports' tab, click under 'Property' and choose which report you need to generate.


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Step Generate traffic and traffic detail reports under 'Reports', then 'Traffic' and choose which traffic report to view and input the necessary dates, agents and units. Step Generate resident reports under 'Reports' and then 'Resident' and click which report is necessary to view. There are many resident reports and many of these can provide the same information multiple times. Step Generate information about delinquency and deposits by clicking 'Receivables' under the 'Reports' tab. Search by Charge Code, Deposit Summary or Delinquency.