Bates Guide

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Chapter 1: Overview: Ph ysical Examination and History Taking Multiple Choice 1!or which o' the 'ollowi ng patients would a comprehensive health hi story #e appropriate$%&% new patient with the chie' complaint o' '( sprained my ankle).&%n esta#lished patient with the chie' complaint o' '( have an upper respiratory in'ection) C&% new patient with the chie' complaint o' '( am here to esta#lish care) +&% new patient with the chie' complaint o' '( cut my hand)%ns: C Chapter:,1 Page and Header:. Patient%ssessment: Comprehensive or!ocused!eed#ack: This patient is here to esta#lish care. And #ecause she is new to you. A com prehensive health history is appropriate / The components o' the health hi story include all o' t he 'ollowing except which one$%& 0eview o' systems.& Thorax and lungs C& Present illness +& Personal and social items%ns:.

  1. Bates Guide To Physical Examination Ebook

Chapter:,1 Page and Header:. Patient%ssessment: Comprehensive or!ocused!eed#ack: The thorax and lungs are part o' the physical examination. Not part o' the health history The others answers are all part o' a complete health history   (s the 'oll owing in'ormation s u#2ective or o#2ective$ Mr M has shortness o' #reath that has persisted 'or the past 1, days3 it is worse with activity and relieved #y rest%& 4u#2ective.& O#2ective. %ns:% Chapter:,1 Page and Header: 5. +i' erences.etween 4u#2ective and O#2ective +ata!eed#ack: This is i n'ormation given #y the patient a#out t he circumstances o' his chie' complaint (t does not represent an o#2ective o#servation #y the examiner  - (s the 'oll owing in'ormation s u#2ective or o#2ective$ Mr M has a respiratory rate o' / and a pulse rate o' 1 /,%& 4u#2ective.& O#2ective%ns:. Chapter:,1 Page and Header: 5.

+i' erences.etween 4u#2ective and O#2ective +ata!eed#ack: This is a m easurement o#tained #y the examiner. So it is consi dered o#2ective data The patient is unlikely to #e a#le to give this in'ormation to the examiner 6 The 'ollowing in'orm ation is recorded in the healt h history: 'The patient has had a#dominal pain 'or 1 week The pain lasts 'or , minutes at a time3 it com es and goes The severity is 7 to 8 on a scale o' 1 to 1, (t is accompanied #y nausea and vomiting (t is located in the mid9 epigastric area) hich o' these categories does it #elong to$%& Chie' complaint.& Present illness C& Personal and social history +& 0eview o' systems%ns:. Chapter:,1 Page and Header: 5. The Compr ehensive% dult Health Hi story!eed#ack: This in'ormation des cri#es the pro#lem o' a#dominal pain. Which is the present illness The interviewer has o#tained the location. And associated mani'estations o' the pain The interviewer will still need to o#tain in'ormation concerning the;uality o' the pain.

The setting in which it occurred. And the 'actors that aggravate and alleviate the pain. 5 The 'ollowing in'orm ation is recorded in the healt h history: 'The patient completed =th grade He currently lives with his wi'e and two children He works on old cars on the weekend He works in a glass 'actory during the week) hich category does it #elong to$%& Chie' complaint.& Present illness C& Personal and social history +& 0eview o' systems%ns: C Chapter:,1 Page and Header: 5. The Compr ehensive% dult Health Hi story!eed#ack: Personal and social history i n'ormation includes educational level. 'am ily o' origin.

Current household status. Personal interests. Reli gious #elie's. Military history. And li'estyle including diet and exercise ha#its3 use o' alcohol. And?or drugs3 and sexual pre'erences and history&% ll o' this in'ormation is documented in this example 7 The 'ollowing in'orm ation is recorded in the healt h history: '( 'eel really tired) hich category does it #elong to$%& Chie' complaint.& Present illness C& Personal and social history +& 0eview o' systems%ns:% Chapter:,1 Page and Header: 5.

The Compr ehensive% dult Health Hi story!eed#ack: The chie' complaint is an attempt to;uote the patient @s own words. As long as they are suita#le to print (t is #rie'. Like a headline. An d 'urther details should #e sought in the present illness section The a#ove in'ormation is a chie' complaint = The 'ollowing in'orm ation is recorded in the healt h history: 'Patient denies ches t pain. And paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) hich category does it #elong to$%& Chie' complaint.& Present illness C& Personal and social history +& 0eview o' systems.

Perform an accurate, efficient, and effective physical examination with confidence! Widely used by both students and practitioners, Bates, Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides authoritative, step-by-step guidance on performing the patient interview and physical examination, applying clinical reasoning, shared decision-making, and other core assessment skills%all based on a firm understanding of clinical evidence. The twelfth edition of this highly regarded text includes a new chapter on assessing clinical evidence and updated chapters on the examination of skin, hair, and nails as well as pediatrics. Fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques outline correct performance of the physical examination. An easy-to-follow two-column format features examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnosis on the right.

New clinical pearls, printed in blue, highlight key points throughout the text. New text boxes help readers quickly find important summaries of clinical conditions and tips for challenging examination techniques. Many figures are new or updated, and are now numbered, making them easier to locate and reference in both the print and electronic versions.

References DSM-5 in all relevant areas of the text. Significantly revised information on obesity and nutrition counseling; behavior and mental status; skin, hair, and nails; cardiovascular risk factor screening and new clinical guidelines; new screening guidelines for breast cancer, colon cancer, Papanicolau smears, and stroke risk factors; updated information on STIs; new geriatric assessment tools; and much more. New life cycle content, including an increased emphasis on cardiovascular health promotion and child development; updated pregnancy topics such as weight gain, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence; and new information on the older adult, including frailty, immunizations, cancer screening, cognitive decline and dementia screening, and a new algorithm for falls prevention. Bates, Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking is the #1 choice of medical, PA, DNP, and RN-BSN students for complete, authoritative guidance on mastering every aspect of the all-important physical examination. This updated twelfth edition maintains that standard of excellence and brings Bates, thoroughly up-to-date with the needs of today,s students.


Bates Guide To Physical Examination Ebook

Don,t Miss These Additional Resources: Bates, Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, Eighth Edition The Pocket Guide is an abbreviated version of the Bates, twelfth edition textbook, designed for portability and convenience at the bedside. Bates, Visual Guide to Physical Examination ( Recently refilmed, these 18 volumes of examination videos (as well as 10 additional OSCEs) depict experienced clinicians conducting each of the regional examinations. The videos demonstrate visually the varying techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation in the regional examinations and special populations.